Bernadett Dierich


Über Bernadett

Als Numerologieexpertin, fühlt sich Bernadett in die Zahlen und in den Menschen, den sie vor sich hat.

Sie gibt ihrem Kunden Lösungsmöglichkeiten für gefundene Blockaden mit an die Hand und holt sie dort ab, wo sie gerade stehen. 

Durch ihre langjährige Erfahrung als Physiotherapeutin geht sie auch auf Gesundheitsthemen ein. 

In Beratungen legt sie Wert auf den Dialog zwischen ihr und dem Kunden. Sie verbindet die Zahlen mit der Natur, indem sie schaut, in welcher Pflanze die dazugehörige Kraft enthalten ist, die ihren Kunden unterstützt einen Bereich zu lösen oder zu aktivieren.

Erfahrungen mit Bernadett

Nikolaus Eugen PrachenskyÖsterreichischer Konsul in Thailand
An amazing project that clearly shows and explains how one can turn a contaminated piece of land into a lush Garden of Eden by providing nature with some initial assistance.
Dominique JacomeLokaler Guide
A wonderful experience. If you're looking to immerse yourself in lush jungle and witness diversity of both flora and fauna, this is your place!
Horst and Ursula MekelburgBesucher aus Deutschland
We visited 'Refugio Tinti Wildlife Sanctuary' in February 2020 and were deeply impressed by the founder of this facility, Mr. Tinti, and his staff, who within a few years turned a piece of depleted pasture land into a small but equally important and exemplary ecological paradise have created. Mr. Tinti guided us through his (life's) work with scientific expertise and narrative talent. Through this encounter, we learned about processes in flora and fauna and their connections that were previously unknown and closed to us. The visit to the Refugio Tinti Wildlife Sanctuary has given us new perspectives of thinking and acting
Antigone KramerBesucherin aus Österreich
I don't think I've ever seen a more beautiful place than this! What Alexander Tinti and his team have achieved here in a really short time is second to none! Rice was grown in this area for decades, unfortunately with the use of pesticides - according to experts, a cure is almost impossible. The impossible has become reality here! After only two (!) years, the soil had a healthy pH value again and the area has blossomed like never before: fauna and flora have recovered.
@milliernzu unserer Präsentation auf der 9. Weltkonferenz für ökologische Restoration
This is unbelievable work. So fascinating. This [presentation] should be used to get young people interested in land regeneration, because I think it is very awe-inducing, hope-giving, and exhilarating
Hetti Orsini-Rosenberg
Stunning, amazing, breathtaking!

Angebote von Bernadett

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